In this article you will learn the simple steps i use to make a protection tag. Following my easy step by step guide you to can make protection tags too.
A guide to mobsters tags and comments by -Godfather Textart
Below in this guide you will find everything you should need to make cool looking protection tags for you myspace and facebook mobster wall. You can make cool tags for your family to post on their page to show support! And in my opinion having some art to show some love to a fellow mobster or to show graphically how much you hate your enemy is the coolest thing since sliced bread.. (it's hard to have a sandwich without sliced bread)
Tags example
Tag example 2
Tag example 3
Step 1.) Pick an item of choice. (what ever it is you would like to make a tag of)To see more tags or get the code to post a tag I have already created please see
Step 2.) Now think of this shape in mostly square lines like a frame drawing only
- I recommend something with a simple shape for beginners
in a 2d view. ( remember you can only represent the shape in vector style art with assci Unicode)
Step 3.) This parts important because it determines how you art will look. Now you are going to look at my character map and find the lines or characters that could be used to trace the shape of what you want to make.
- (this part is time consuming but worth the effort if you pick correctly and your art looks good when its done)
- if you prefer to use the character map on your own machine then follow these steps.
- To launch character map in windows click on your start menu and go to the run prompt.
- Now type charmap.exe in the run box and press enter and you should see the window below
remember that you need to use this map in the arial font because its what mobsters uses (any other font will not display correctly in the game)