Are you like me? I love to play first person shooters like Call Of Duty and Unreal Tournament! I miss the quake days.. And at work I can't really install games to play on my machine.. So I setup a game zone at You can play over 20,000 games on the front page in the game player.. Including multiplayer poker with your friends and everything you can think of...
Also I added the Flash Mobster games to the site as well... You can get to them from the front page or by going to
I have been including these games on the mob sites I make too.. You can see an example at this mob site I just created for Clown Assassins.. ( )
Simply go to there main chat link and take a look below the chat boxes..
If you are looking for a mob site please take a look at what I have to offer! You can get details and examples at
-Godfather Textart