I offer several hosting options for your mob....
If you are looking for free hosting that's an option..
I also offer paid options that include your personal domain and access to ftp..
Do you already have a site now? I can help if not.. take a look at some of the sites that I have already done...
www.clownassassins.com, www.allstarmob.com, www.rkamob.com, and currently working of www.firststrikemafia.com. If you looking for a new family I suggest checking out these sites for sure...
Clown Assassins will spoil you! There Godfather is the coolest.. He hooks his mob up with all kinds of stuff including XAT Powers! If it's your birthday and KillaMob is your Godfather don't be surprised to get gift.. He even hands out Godfather Points to his family!
So stop in and see what's going on! These are all Myspace Mob Families but I take care of Facebook users too! SITE HOSTING DETAILS ARE AT WWW.MOBSTERTAGS.COM