Welcome Mobster fans.. I am proud to say I will be adding new tags to Mobsters Text Art soon.. I have been working on some new tags... you will be seeing cars like the mustang, corvette, and new trucks.. Also I have created some new guns!!
I am still working on all the tag request I have so be patient if you have made a request.. There are a lot of request to fill and I am the only one making tags.. I don't have a staff to another tag maker to help..
I also just started a new job working at Stanford.. I am one of the IT Techs and I am just starting to get setup to work.. Soon I will be able to work on request from work now so more tags will start to appear soon.
Please stop in and hang out on the site... I have added new music and some cool flash mobster games.. If you like Street Fighter you will love the gangster!! Its a cool thug game like mobsters and you can walk through a virtual world beating all the levels first person shooter style...
Also you can play The Mobster! Its cool!! You have several levels and several guns to fight your way thought the game.. Just remember to reload!
There are over 20,000 games in the game player also below the join a family section on www.mobsterstextart.com as well..